The archives on this website available to members have come from research generously shared by Goff-Gough family members over the past 40 years. We invite you to continue this tradition, enriching the resources available to others interested in our Goff-Gough families. Each of us has an important part of the bigger puzzle. Working together, we can discover more of our shared stories.
Some of the many ways to share:

- Goffs/Goughs: Their Ancestors and Descendants
- Our newsletter has been published quarterly since 1982. You can submit articles about your research findings and more. More information about submitting articles for publication
- GGFA Blog
- Do you have a shorter article or discovery you would like to share on our GGFA Blog? Contact . We can work with you to get it posted.
- Goff-Gough Family Association Facebook Group
- If you are on Facebook, join our private GGFA Facebook group. Share notes about your ancestor search, brick wall challenges, and questions.
- GGFA Historic Photo Archive
- Do you have historic photos of our GGFA ancestors which you would like to share with our Members Only archive? Read more here.
- GGFA Document Archive
- Share your historic Goff-Gough documents for our historic documents archive. Read more here
- GGFA DNA Surname Study
- Join our robust Goff-Gough DNA Surname project. More information here.
- GGFA Forum
- Post your questions
- Follow conversation if interest to you
- Help cousins discover answers to their questions
Please keep in mind that all resources found on our GGFA website have come from members who have shared part of their GGFA heritage with their contemporaries and in doing so have assured that it will be accessible for future generations as well.