by Bob Inhoff, GGFA Webmaster

One of the many benefits for members of the Goff-Gough Family Association is access to our new and growing genealogy database, containing only Goff-Gough ancestors, their descendants and spouses.  Already we have 40,000 individuals with more to come.

The other day I was wondering how we could find out how many descendants any of our ancestors may have in the database. The following example demonstrates how to answer this question.

First, GGFA members must log in to the website at  Then under “Archives & Research” select “GGFA Genealogy Database”.    For this example I searched for Anthony Goff and selected Anthony born in 1656.

Select the option indicated (“Descendants” and then “Tables”) and wait a few moments for the report to be prepared.  The program searches our database of more than 40,000 Goff-Gough family ancestors and finds all descendants of the selected individual.  It then displays a report listing the number of generations, along with the number of descendants in each generation.

In the example above patriarch Anthony Goff and his wife Sarah Polley have 5,170 descendants in the GGFA database spanning 12 generations! 

Notice in the left box, there is a column titled “Select”.  The button in the row for the 2nd generation is selected.  In the right table is a listing of the 13 children of Anthony and Sarah.

If you select another generation (in the example below, the 3rd), the report will prepare a table of all descendants in that generation, along with their birth and death dates (where known) and their parents.

Note that in TNG – a name highlighted in green indicates that it is a link to that individual’s home page.  In the example above, if you click on William Goff, you will see his individual page with his family information.

Note – these steps can be found selecting the Getting Started Tab (under the search box on the Genealogy Database home page) and then selecting the Descendants – TABLES- Tab.

Not yet a member of the Goff-Gough Family Association? This is just one more example of the many benefits awaiting you. Find out more.

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