Phillip G. Goff, GGFA DNA Project Manager
[Reprinted from the Winter 2007 issue of Goffs/Goughs: Their Ancestors and Descendants]
In the Spring 2006 issue of the Goffs/Goughs Their Ancestors & Descendants newsletter (Vol. XXV, No. 2), I discussed the background and methodology of the Goff/Gough Surname DNA Study (the “Study”). The Study measures the Y-chromosome, which is passed, generally unchanged, only from father to son, much like surnames. In this and future articles, I’ll discuss the results of the Study.
I am a descendant of James Goff (1735 – 1834) who was, according to tradition, the oldest of the four Goff brothers of western Virginia. He was not only the firstborn, but also the last to die of these four pioneers, living to be nearly 99 years old. In researching The Four Goff Brothers of Western Virginia book, Roy Lockhart and I uncovered and analyzed over 1,000 pages of original source documents. Nonetheless, the identity of James Goff’s father remained elusive.
We need more participants in the Goff/Gough Surname DNA Study. For more information, please check our DNA Surname Study pages or email me at dna@goff-gough.com. Each new participant helps to fill in the history of the Goff/Gough families.
Phillip Goff is the co-author, along with Roy L. Lockhart, of The Four Goff Brothers of Western Virginia. Since 2004, he has run the Goff/Gough Surname DNA Study, which today has about 400 participants.
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